Mexican Casserole

This recipe is part of my childhood. Along with Gumbo sandwiches (PB&J premixed in a bowl then spread on bread) and chicken soup. My mom used to make this dish and we’d all be very excited to eat it. I made it for my dad for his last birthday because it’s his favorite meal. Then I married a guy who had never had it. In our first few weeks of marriage I made it for the first time and he thought I was nuts and that all that cheese and sauce couldn’t possibly be that good, but since then he has grown to love this meal and requests it often. Give it a chance…you’ll love it
- 4-6
- 10 minutes
- 30 minutes
- 1-2 lbs ground beef
- 16 oz bag of mexican style cheese
- 2 small cans of hot enchilada sauce (red) / or 1 big cans
- 1 can of large black olives sliced
- 1 or 2 small cans of diced jalapeños
- 1 can of corn
- 1 small package of corn tortillas Optional:
- 1 diced onion
- 1 cup salsa
- 1 diced avocado
- 2-3 diced roma tomatoes
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- Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
- Begin by browning the ground beef, set aside.
- Open all the cans and Slice olives if not already sliced.
- In a 9×13 glass pan lay down enough corn tortillas to cover the bottom one time.
- On top of the tortillas, spread some ground beef to cover the bottom (you can leave some space since there will be two layers).
- Sprinkle corn over the beef so it’s evenly spread.
- Lay sliced olives over the corn so they span the bottom.
- Throw some diced jalapeños across the layer.
- Cover all with cheese.
- Top with Enchilada sauce (1 small can), the sauce doesn’t have to drench, just season.
- Repeat the process adding a layer of tortillas one more time. When finished with your second layer you may have used all of the ground beef, corn and 1 small can of the enchilada sauce.
- For the top layer one final layer of tortillas, top those with cheese, jalapeños, olives and cheese. Finish off with the last can of sauce.
- Cover the pan in foil and place in the oven for 30-45 minutes or until you can see bubbles rising in the bottom of the pan from the sauce.
- Pull off the foil and bake for an additional 10-15 so the cheese on top gets crispy.
- Let it cool for 20 min before serving (if you serve before that, serve it in a bowl. It’ll taste great, but it’ll be mushy)
- You can add all sorts of things to this casserole that will be great. Onions with the ground beef, avocados and diced roma tomatoes are good addition. This dish is a lot like pizza, you can add lots of different things to it and it’s almost better reheated from the refrigerator the next day. Hope you like it.
- this is also know as enchillada pie. To that end the protein is up for change. chicken, carnitas, vegetarian…doesn’t matter, your choice.
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